Every college student should be applying for at least a few college scholarships. Scholarships are the best way to get money for college because they don’t need to be repaid! However, every year many students avoid applying for scholarships because they either think they won’t qualify or don’t believe they have the time to complete lengthy essays or complicated applications. The truth is, not all college scholarships are based on academic achievements, and some don’t require hours of effort to apply for.
There are scholarships you can apply for in less than five minutes, and others that are not even based on your Grade Point Average (GPA). Here are five easy scholarships that every college student should take advantage of:
The Top Ten List Scholarship invites students to create a list of their top ten favorite things. It’s simple, quick, and a great way to earn some extra cash for college. It’s not based on academic achievements, so everyone has a shot!
The Levi’s $50,000 Tuition Scholarship offers a large award with minimal application requirements. This scholarship allows students to get creative and submit a video or essay. It’s an opportunity to showcase your unique personality and get a chance at a big scholarship!
The Super Future $5000 Scholarships are an excellent opportunity for college students looking to earn some fast money. With a simple application process, students can apply for this scholarship without having to write long essays or meet any tough academic requirements.
Healthy Respect Win Win Scholarships are designed for students who care about social good and health initiatives. The application process is quick, and it gives students a chance to contribute to important causes while earning scholarship money.
The Ryan & Jamie Smith Essay Scholarship Contest invites students to write a short essay on a given topic. It’s a simple essay contest, and it’s open to a wide range of students. If you can write a compelling essay, this could be an easy way to earn scholarship money!
To discover more scholarships for college, visit our Easiest Scholarship Search Ever. No registration is required—just type in some keywords to find scholarships that you qualify for!
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